This is the post without vlog. You know the one that makes all the others make sense. As you know I am not perfect English person!
My better, healthier and more natural life started couple years ago after Covid-19 hit. It is like we had a bad cold seasons for couple years. I felt stuck.……

And this was the start of my new beginning.

I often find myself thinking about why I feel this calling to make my life and home more natural….and what “natural living” ever means.

I know that to me, natural living means to do better. Natural living is giving our bodies more of what we need and less of what we don’t need. I want our bodies to be the best we can. Our bodies need more of the good stuff like fresh food and less of the bad stuff like processed, man made junk food.
In the beginning I made a list of what healthy changes I wanted to make. I included on the list what a healthy life looked like. This was around the same time that I started changing this blog, creator content, and vlogs. I wanted to bring you, my awesome readers/viewers on this adventure with me as Deaf Mother and my daughter, Ember, who is a kid of deaf adult (KODA). It was meant to be. You and I on this journey together!

My list stared off like this:
- Continue with doing my marathon training goal for Disney Marathon in 2023, and change how I eat and cut off sugars.
- Create a healthier home. Locate and use the best natural cleaning and laundry products.
- No more highly processed foods.
- Soap, Shampoo, makeup, lotion oh my! Find ones I love, that are natural and make the switch!
It’s a work in process and the goal is not perfection. Each step I take towards a more natural and healthy life is success to me and my goal for Marathon training.

If you want to start your own natural journey start by writing your own list.
I want to hear from you! Are you thinking of going more natural too?