It is so exciting for me to announce my new blog of a collaborative film project, “Last Debt,” which Quiet Mile Pictures (QMP) (Quiet Mile Pictures | Facebook), founded by Martina Bell, will be producing. I have received the script that deaf filmmaker, Martina co-wrote with the deaf screenwriter, Nancy Goduto. While reading it, it came to my mind that it is very twisting story, such as “Gone Girl” and “Black Swan” that I really enjoyed watching.

The story is a full of unexpected turns that never feel cheap due to great characters work. There are some deaf characters in it as well. I will say this right now. I loved it. I fascinated slowly into the beginning to the end of the story that made me like whoa. It is impressive how unpredictable the narrative can be while still maintaining complete logical sense. It is hard to describe just how shady this story is without spilling the beans…. but the obvious reason why I took the opportunity honorably to work with the team to make the indie movie happen.
Additionally, all I can say is “A deaf story never seen before is unfolding in the movie, ‘Last Debt,’ in which it saves the shocking revelation for the final scenes…For all one is worth.”

Yes, I am going to be the co-producer of the movie, believe it or not! When the production begins, hopefully, you all give a lot of supports and watching the movie means so much to me and the team. Also, I will take you to join my journey with me in my experienced process of producing the movie for the next two-three years!
Stay tuned for the upcoming announcements soon!
Disclaimer: I received the permission from Quiet Mile Pictures in the advance for documenting my experience of the filmmaking process. I can’t hardly wait!
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