Today is Easter! Ember and I are in New Mexico visiting Ember’s aunts and cousins (my sisters and their children) for the weekend. I told my sisters that I had to bake a cake for them. If you don’t already know, I saw a few bloggers who made Sunflower Peeps Cakes (you can find images on Pinterest for some ideas), and I’m totally in love with sunflowers! So my sister let me bake a cake. Yay!
Don’t worry, my sisters like to cheat like me and use box mixes (where do you think I learned it from?), so this is a “cheater” recipe!
To begin, gather your cast of characters!

Next, follow the directions on the box and mix things up!

Pour and bake.


Play with the peeps, and eat a few to make sure they are safe for your family and don’t contain poison.

Squish the top layer onto the frosted bottom layer.

Frost the whole dang thing! Bam!

Squish your Peeps (the candy ones) onto the outer edge!

Fill with the middle with chocolate chips! If you want to get fancy, and if you have 10 spare hours, you can make sure that the chocolate chips all point up. I’m lazy, so I just dumped them into the middle. Don’t worry, it will taste good!

Voila! Freaking happiness on a plate! Happy Easter to you all!