Where does your income go?

I just read few different blogs about how income is give shares to different parts of a typical budget from another bloggers.

How do your finances stack up compared to others?  What percent of your income do you spend on your different bills? I think this is a great way to compare your finances to others, and to kind of see where you should be.

For me, these amounts will all be averages and after tax.

We spend around 26% on our mortgage payment, home insurance, ETC.

10% on our car payment, car insurance, maintenance and gas

8% on food

7% on health insurance

5% on entertainment (the 8% we spend on food can also be considered entertainment, since we like to go to bars and eat as well)

2-3% on clothes

And the rest on saving, miscellaneous, etc.

How do your expenses add up?

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