Injury Setback? Here’s How I’m Adjusting My Marathon Training for Recovery

This week has been all about recovery. I’ve had to pause my marathon training. I need to focus on healing my ankles. One ankle is feeling better. The other ankle is still giving me some trouble. So I’m going back to basics with my workouts. Strength training and stretching are now my main focus. I am working on giving my body the time it needs to recover.

I’m also finding new ways to support my scoliosis. I’ve been tracking two great YouTube channels—TSC Connect and Scoli Coach. Both channels focus on exercises and tips for scoliosis. These have been great resources for keeping my back strong and balanced while I’m resting my ankle.

For the next few weeks, I’ll continue sharing updates on my recovery. I will also give information on the exercises I’m doing to stay active while I heal. My physical therapy appointment is in the first week of October. I’m hopeful for some good advice on how to move ahead with my training.

👉 Watch the vlog here:

Thank you for all your support during this recovery journey. I be slowing down. I’m staying focused on getting stronger and returning to my training when the time is right. Stay tuned for more updates!

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