IT DIDN’T RAIN OR SNOW!! OK maybe a little windy and chilly here and there, but overall the weather was *perfect* for our races today. 55-45ish.
So Kris, my husband, and I decided to do it together for my first 5K at Foam Glow on October 30, 2021 during night time in Denver, Colorado. While we waited around for the start. I was a nervous wreck which I knew was silly, I wasn’t there to compete, just to have fun.

Anyway, eventually we got to the start line, and I am very proud to announce I did not go sprinting off like a bat out of heck like I sometimes tend to do. I held back and felt good. Dun dun dun…just short of mile one was the massive overpass. OK, OK it was only 65 feet from bottom to top where I stopped run and had to walk because last 9 days of first October I was sick with coughing and congestions (Negative with COVID-19, I did took test) and still have some left of congestion in my lungs. I then ran (of course) and then walked/ran through the one and only foam. So I walked a few more times, and let a bunch of people pass me. I just kept telling myself that it’s ok, this is just the start, finishing is still an accomplishment.
So, I ran at my happy little pace, walked when I needed to, and finished in 49:32. Not even close to my better races, but you know, it’s a time and that’s better than sitting on the couch. Right? Right. This is a good starting point, I’ll just look at it that way.
So, post race…legs feel great, but I’ve got a nagging side of my left hip. I know for a FACT I don’t hydrate enough to be running. I need to work on that. The other half of this training battle will be, without a doubt, my nutrition. Healthy eating pretty much went out the window since my being sick with my congestions. This is my beginning of my goal of training plan for the Disney Run Marathon . I promise you all I will keep adding whole of my races from 5K (as I will keep adding more of 5K runs) toward to 10K in Spring of 2022. I’m super excited 🙂!