Working on your Resume

Creating a resume can be a very difficult. However, with some help and guidance, it can be very easy. I would like to think that I am very good at creating and improving resumes. When I was looking for jobs in past before I was about to graduate. I used the career office at my school very effectively also I do used DVRS office in job search. I brought my resume there and had multiple people check and review it, and everyone said it was perfect (except for a few very minor errors).

Here are some tips for your resume:

  • If you can, I would have someone else review your resume. You might have read it 30 times, but another set of eyes never hurts.
  • I noticed that using a Gmail or school e mail on your resume looks better than using an “ASL” no I don’t mean that! Wow ASL I meant AOL or Hotmail account. I don’t know if this is true. (I used a Hotmail, but I just recently switched to Gmail). In the article I read it said that using an AOL or Hotmail account might come across as that you are not very tech savvy and/or might be older and stuck in a rut. I do not believe than an e mail account could affect you this much, but like I said, I do not know.
  • The rule that your resume needs to be one page do not always apply. Few of my resumes are different pages. My friend is in the theatre arts field, and the longer her resume is, the better. Her resume is around 5 or 6 pages now.
  • You should try to include reference in your resume. Every place I applied at was very happy that I included my references because it made it much easier for them.
  • If you potential employer ask for your GPA or academic standing, do NOT LIE! Employers can request your grades and do background checks, so I would not lie about anything.
  • Create a cover letter to go along with your resume.
  • State a purpose or objective or summary which specifically applies to the job you are applying to.
  • Don’t use any pictures (Unless of course you need a headshot for the job you are applying to if they ask for) With my Theatre Arts career I always put my headshot on this resume.
  • It’s best to not disclose you’re a deaf person in your resume or cover letter, but instead, wait until you are selected for a job interview to determine whether you want to share this information and go from there.

If you have any other tips that you would like to add below here, please share.

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