8 Things I usually do before I start my week

Monday morning always seems to come way too quickly. I had great time on a Mother’s Day yesterday and if you haven’t seen my vlog as you can check this out:

I noticed that I forgot to add picture of my brunch yesterday in this video and here is picture:

Don’t they look good, right??

So today I am setting myself up for a productive and positive week with a little extra planning and work. You will see how I start my week off right will help it run smoothly all the way to Friday. This weekend Saturday I am flying to Washington DC for my Helen Hayes Award as I got nominee as Best Supporting Role Actor for “The Music Man” as Mrs. Paroo! Check all of those pictures as it was taken from last year (2022).

  1. Prep food. You know you will need to eat. Take a few minutes to prep your family lunches to save you time and stress in the morning.
  2. Lay out/plan your clothes for the week plus packing for the weekend. Make sure that you have the clean clothes you need. I did lay out Ember’s clothes for the week plus mine too includes with my running clothes and packing my clothes includes with my formal dress for the weekend.
  3. Plan your meetings. Set up calendar to work around my scheduled meetings and phone calls.
  4. Grocery shopping. Make a menu and head to the store to get everything you will need for the week. I don’t like going to the store often before dinner with last minute things.
  5. Fill up the car with gas. Don’t waste time at the gas station Monday morning. Hop in the car with a full tank ready to go.
  6. Meditate on your goals. Visualize what I want to accomplish this week. Think about what will help me get closer to my long term goals.
  7. Do a quick pick up around the house. My mom in law is coming in this weekend to take care of Ember while I am in Washington DC so I do “Monday Laundry, quick de-clutter and clean half bathroom and office, Tuesday clean living room, Wednesday Dining and kitchen, Thursday Ember’s bedroom, guest bedroom, my bedroom, Ember’s bathroom, and clean Miss Piggy cage, and Friday vacuum whole house” something like that.
  8. Go to bed early. Start off our week well rested. Getting to be early will make it so much easier to get up early.

What do you do to start your week right?

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